Snow Removal in Portland, OR
Everyone loves snow, until it becomes a Slip Hazard, or prevents people from visiting your location. Let us help protect your property, tenants, and patrons by making your property safer to visit. We have many rapid response teams that we can deploy various services depending the need for your location. Snugs has been removing snow for over 10 years and we keep the city running when the snow hits the valley floor. We offer three types of services for snow and ice conditions: Liquid De-Icer Application, Snow Plowing and Snow Shoveling. Please let us know how we can help.
Contact us for a detailed scope of work and estimate for your specific property and project.*

Liquid De-Icer Application
Our De-Icer application service is designed as a pre-event treatment to help slow the build-up of snow and ice in parking lot and drive paths. Our trucks are set up with high capacity tanks that can service a lot of locations on a single deployment. We can drive many areas of you parking lots to help stop the snow and ice from binding to the pavement. Layers of ice under snow can be extremely dangerous. Applying a later of De-Icer prior to cold weather will slow the accumulation of snow, help prevent the formation of ice, and could prevent the need for plowing.
Snow Plowing Services
In the Portland Metro area, a lot of the city shuts down when the smallest amount of show hits the ground. This is not an option for many businesses and residential locations. We have many truck-mounted plows designed to push the snow into locations throughout your facility for the snow to melt, while not having to shut down. After plowing your location, we will apply a de-icer to help melt the remaining snow, help prevent more accumulation or ice build-up. We also have front loaders, and skid steers – partnered with dump trucks that can remove the snow from your location if the need arises.
Snow Shoveling and Hand Work Services
Snugs has teams of technicians armed with shovels and push spreaders that can be dispatched to your location to clear sidewalks or apply granular de-icer that can help break up ice. Snow shoveling services help tenants and customers access the buildings and residential locations.
“Serving the Greater Portland Metro for over 25 years”